Chase Biado has a truly enigmatic sense of delivery and it comes through in his work. A while back he presented a video of a hilarious talking mushroom performing a long, off the wall diatribe (by Tom Cruise) at 12128 so I'm very curious to see
his latest solo show at PSU's White Gallery, Spider Veins. There is an opening tonight 5-8PM.
To give you the flavor here is his Press release statement:
"I've been seeking out a certain line, a vein. It's a squiggly line ~~~~~ an uneconomic line, like an excess of time allowed for the line to be dragged. The pencil is held with slack. The line meanders towards its destination.
The spider vein is the wandering line that is too old to care ~ that has lost a destination and keeps going.
The spider crawls up the wall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ spider dance. The spider makes a line that is not necessarily choice. The drawn squiggly is not necessarily a choice, but tension held in the body.
I've tried to draw a line like veins crawling up the legs of old men and old ladies in their old swimsuits on the old beach, getting older. This is not a streamline.
There's a relationship in the line between time and tension. The spider vein is on vacation time. Its tension is drawstring tension.
The line defines the relationship: body to out-of-body, bound-self to unbound projection.
The line says, 'I am the spider, you are the web.'
varicose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ varicose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ varicose
Spider Veins
Artist's Reception: May 10 5-8PM
Littman & White Galleries| Portland State University
1825 SW Broadway #250 | 503 725-5656