And you thought openings were only for the Firsts of the Month... Get your mid-month
kicks with a few summer-style events.

Little Cities Build Yr Own House Party
Savage Art Resources presents new work by Zack Kircher and a group exhibition,
Vintage Vandals Reprised. Kircher and the Vandals take on pop culture through
painterly appropriation. Kircher's works explore the current media fascination
with the cult of celebrity.
Vintage Vandals is a collection of reconfigured
thrifted paintings curated by Jason Sturgill of
Wurst Gallery.
Opening July 13th, 6 to 8p • Through August 13
Savage Art Resources
• 1430 SE Third Avenue • Tel. 503.230.0265
Red 76 is at it again with another
Cities Build Yr Own House Party/Barbecue. This time,
joins in for a discussion of their work with a preview of
Potential Energy,
a project opening on July 22nd at Correspondence Space as part of the
Place project by Sam Gould, Stephanie Snyder, and Matthew Stadler. Bring
your own grillings and beverages for a night of cardboard construction and collaboration.
One night only, July 13 • 7p
Red76 • 916 SE 34th
st. (Just off Belmont Ave.)
Thursday {Bastille Day}
Eva Lake is something
of an art scene triple-threat as gallerist, artist and Artstar radio jockey.
After closing Lovelake a year (or two?) ago, she's back in the saddle with a
new gallery with Wid Chambers called, appropriately enough, Chambers. Opening
in a space you will most likely find familiar, Chambers gets up and running
Cut and Paste, the assemblage and collage art of Eunice Parsons
and Paul Fujita (of
Opening July 14, 5:30 to 8:30p • through August 27
(Also Open First Thursday August 4 5:30 to 8:30p)
• 207 S.W. Pine Street, No. 102 • Tel. 503.939.2255
Portland flexes its muscle at ~Scope Hamptons as Paul Middendorf and
Mary Mattingly of
Artistry captain the Lifeboat to Security Island.
Micro-Scope, is a political education project involving
a group of artists "transforming their bodies into well-oiled tanning machines
while discussing security, the conditioning of humans, and other related topics
against the back drop of island/oasis necessities, including a wading-pool,
miniature working fountains, a small vanity table and mock-ups of large stocks
of Evian and sculptures of other brands essential to modern culture. Additionally,
video monitors will be set up by the Lifeboat team around various pulse-points
in Southampton to watch the on-going performance and importance of the newly
secured scene." Collaborating artists include
David Eckard,
Bruce Conkle,
Chandra Bocci,
The Camouflagemuseum (NL), and many more. Definitely worth a look-see if you're
on the other coast this weekend.
~Scope Hamptons •
July 14 to 17

Paul Fujita at Chambers