Last night
Eckard was awarded the 19th Bonnie Bronson Award, an incredibly well deserved
But to speak of things people seldom state publicly, somehow Eckard's choice seemed
different, more surprising and edgier than previous decisions, which felt much
more politicized (all good artists but not controversial in any way). Politically for example, Eckard does not have gallery representation, in a city that
seldom represents installation artists... despite the fact that it is one of
our greatest strengths genre-wise. What's more, since the award normally goes
to mid career artists it seems indicative of the vast changes the city has undergone
in terms of identity as evidenced by its now much more active, edgy and international
art scene. Good on you David, you are always blazing new ground... even when
collecting a check. We will see how this affects other regional awards like
the Contemporary Northwest Art Awards, RACC fellowships, Betty Bowen and the
Brink. All of which except the Brink (geared towards recent art school graduates)
have felt a heavy air of inevitability about them.
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