Tyler Green discussed one of my favorite artists,
Sandback, as a recent acquisition at the NGA.
Any large scale naval reenactment gets my thumbs up and
project in Queens is no exception
Brian Libby's excellent post on
bid for the 1968 Olympics is extremely interesting.
Gallery Homeland was on
Morning edition at 6:50 Am today discussing their upcoming
exchange exhibitions in Berlin and the importance of import/export for the
visual art scene (pssst update the GH website with an East/West page). Analysis: showing outside Portland, even
Berlin isn't a new thing for Portland artists... but an entire exhibition series
in Berlin is cool. Artists are always taken for granted in their home cities
and it is important to stir things up by showing outside of town... there really
isn't a "locals only" art scene anywhere anymore. Group shows like the East/West project are hardly ever definitive but they do open up new contacts and connections and that's the thing about Portland's new (but decade old) scene... we just aren't limited to the immediate environs anymore. We don't think or act in isolated ways... nice hustle Gallery Homeland.
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